“A” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “A” Letter

There are - 29 - terms.


A very bad roll; the opposite of a joker.


The formation of a player's checkers as they work together to block and attack the opponent, then and come home safely.

Around the Corner

A move from the opponent's outer board to the player's outer board.


A feature that contributes to the strength of a position, such as made points and flexibilityCompare: Liability.

Automatic Doubles

An optional rule in money play: If both players throw the same number on the first roll of a game, the stakes are doubled. The doubling cube is turned to 2 and stays in the middle. Players usually agree to limit the number of automatic doubles to one per game.

Awkward Number

A dice roll which forces a player to leave a shot or break a valuable point (2).