“M” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “M” Letter

There are - 50 - terms.


A Turkish game in which players start at diagonally opposite corners and move around the board in the same direction. There is no hitting and one checker by itself controls a point (1)See: How to Play Moultezim.


The advancement of a checker according to the number showing on one of the rolled dice. There are three types of legal moves you may make: (a) to enter a checker from the bar (your only legal move when you have a checker on the bar); (b) to move a checker forward the given number of pips (2) to an open point, possibly hitting an opposing blot; or (c) to bear off a checker, when all of your checkers are in their home board.

Move Around the Corner

A move from the opponent's outer board to the player's outer board.

Move In

A move from the bar to the opponent's home board.

A move from your outer board to your home board.

Move Out

A move from the opponent's home board to the opponent's outer board.

Move Up

A move forward within the opponent's home board.

Mutual Holding Game

A game in which both players hold advanced anchors on the opponent's side of the board in an attempt to hinder the opponent as he tries to bring his checkers home.