“P” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “P” Letter

There are - 55 - terms.

Premature Burial

Taking one or more checkers deep into your home board early in the game out of undue concern for short-term safety.

Premature Roll

A dice roll made by a player before the opponent has ended his turn by picking up the dice. Under U.S. rules, the premature roll is invalid and must be rethrown. Under BIBA rules, the premature roll stands but the player who did not pick up the dice may change his play in light of the new information.


To advance a runner so it directly bears on an opponent's blot, forcing the opponent to cover the blot, move it, or risk it being hit.


Six consecutive made points. An opposing checker trapped behind a prime cannot escape until the prime is broken.

Several consecutive made points, such as a 4-prime or 5-prime.


Trapped behind a prime.

Prime Fighter

A player who accepts a double when he has one or more checkers trapped behind an opponent's prime.


A game in which both players have primes with opposing checkers trapped behind them. The winner of these games is often the player with better timing.

Priming Game

A type of game in which the primary strategy is to trap one or more opponent's checkers behind your prime.

Progressive Consolation

A consolation tournament for losers in the first several rounds of the main tournament. Progressive means that losers in later rounds of the main event get one or more byes to later rounds of the consolation event.  Compare: Nonprogressive Consolation.


A prearranged position played several times, usually for money, as a means of settling a dispute over which checker play (1) or cube action is best.  See: Take/Drop Proposition.


The German name for backgammon (1).

A German backgammon variant in which players enter in the same quadrant and move around the board in the same direction.

Pure Play

["Pure" because it focuses on one game plan.]  Playing with the goal of making a prime. Pure play includes bringing builders into play quickly, slotting to make key points, keeping your checkers in front of the opponent's checkers, and recirculating checkers as necessary. See post by Daniel Murphy and this thread.

Pure Race

A game in which the opposing forces have disengaged so there is no opportunity for further blocking or hitting by either side. In a pure race, your goal is simply to get your checkers home as quickly as possible and bear them offCompare: Contact Position.