Terms that Start with “Q” Letter
There are - 8 - terms.
One quarter of the playing area on a backgammon board. The first quadrant comprises a player's points 1 to 6, the second quadrant points 7 to 12, the third quadrant points 13 to 18, and the fourth quadrant points 19 to 24.
The roll of 4-4 on the dice (double 4's).
Quarter Entry
A quarter entry is a single elimination tournament for four players, which is held before the beginning of a greater tournament. Each of the four contestants pays an entry fee of (usually slightly more than) a quarter of the entry fee of the main event. The winner of this four person tournament is entitled to play in the main event.
Traditional name for the four-point.
Quiz Factor
A feature of a problem that makes it interesting enough to appear on a quiz. The mere appearance on a quiz suggests that the "obvious" play may not be the correct play.