“B” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “B” Letter

There are - 63 - terms.

Bronstein Clock

A chess clock with a feature that allows a time delay with each move.   See also: Fischer Clock.


A checker brought into your outer board where it bears directly onto one or more key points that you want to make.


Hit a checker.

Bury a Checker

To play a checker deep within your home board where it has no value.

Busted Back Game

A backgame attempt that fell apart when the backgame player was forced to move checkers deep into his home board where they could no longer contain a hit checker.

Button up

To safety a blot by bringing it together with another checker.


[As in "go by".]  The position of a player in a tournament who advances to the next round without playing a match. Byes are often randomly awarded in the first round of an elimination tournament to make the number of players in the second round an exact power of 2.


Acronym of "bring your own board," sometimes used in announcement of live tournaments.