“C” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “C” Letter

There are - 89 - terms.

Cubeful Equity

In money play with the doubling cube, the absolute value of a position to one of the players compared to the initial stake being played for.  See: Equity. Cubeful equity considers the current value of the cube, cube ownership, and the potential for future doubles. In match play, cubeful equity corresponds to the probability of winning the match from the current position.  Compare: Cubeless Equity.

Cubeful Rollout

A rollout performed with the doubling cube in play. All appropriate cube decisions are made as the position is played out. That means some trials will end in a dropped double and others will end with the cube at 2, or 4, or even higher. Cubeful rollouts more accurately simulate actual games than cubeless rollouts, but they have greater variance, so they do not converge as quickly. And cubeful rollouts may be more susceptible to systematic error because of cube misplays.

Cubeless Equity

The value of a position if the game is played without a doubling cube. This is a value between -3 and +3 and is equal to P(W) + P(Wg) + P(Wbg) - P(L) - P(Lg) - P(Lbg), where P(W) is the probability of winning the game, P(Wg) is the probability of winning a gammon (or backgammon), P(Wbg) is the probability of winning a backgammon, P(L) is the probability of losing the game, P(Lg) is the probability of losing a gammon (or backgammon), P(Lbg) is the probability of losing a backgammon.  Compare: Cubeful Equity.

Cubeless Probability of Winning

The chance of winning the game if no doubling cube is used; also called game winning chances.

Cubeless Rollout

A rollout performed without using a doubling cube. Each trial is played to the end of the game and scored plus or minus 1, 2, or 3 points (4) depending on whether gamed ended in a single game, gammon, or backgammon (2). Because cubeless rollouts do not include cube play, they do not perfectly simulate a game, but cubeless rollouts have less variance and less systematic error than cubeful rollouts.

Cube Proxy

A player in a chouette who temporarily handles the cube for another while that player is away from the game. See post by Ilia Guzei.

Cube Reference Position

A position for which the correct cube action is known which serves as a standard by which other similar positions may be judged. See post by Chuck Bower.

Current Stake

The initial stake multiplied by the value of the doubling cube.