“N” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “N” Letter

There are - 21 - terms.

Noncommitted Position

A position with a flexible game plan; a game where there is more than one reasonable strategy for winning, such as racing, priming, or blitzing (1).

Nonprogressive Consolation

A consolation tournament for losers of the first round of the main tournament. Losers in later rounds of the main event do not get to enter the consolation event.  Compare: Progressive Consolation.

Norges Backgammonforbund (NBGF)

Norwegian Backgammon Federation.   Website: www.norgesbackgammonforbund.no.

Normalized Match Score

A match score expressed in terms of the number of points (4) needed to win the match rather than the number of points won so far. For example, a score of 5-1 in a match to 7 would be "2-away/6-away". Normalized scores are used in match equity tables.


The method of representing the moves of a game. See post by Dean Gay.

Novice Division

The tournament division for the weakest players, particularly those who do not desire the stronger competition and higher entrance fees of the other divisions.   Compare: Intermediate Division and Open Division.

Novice Level

A player who is new to backgammon.  Compare: Intermediate and Advanced level.

Nullo Play

A play which cannot be profitable for any possible sequence of future rolls.