“O” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “O” Letter

There are - 28 - terms.


The outer board, particularly points nine, ten, and eleven.

Outside Prime

A contiguous sequence of blocked points in which the majority of those points are in the outer board.


Points (4) won in excess of those needed to win a match. For example, if you win a game worth 4 points in a match in which you are 2 points away from winning, the surplus 2 points are overage.


Make an unnecessarily big play.

Over the Board

Games played face-to-face, as opposed to on the Internet or by correspondence.

Own a Point

To have two or more checkers on a point (1) so that the opponent is blocked from landing or touching down there.

Owner of the Cube

The player who last accepted a double in the game. He places the cube on his side of the board to indicate that only he may make the next double.  See: Cube Ownership.

Own the Cube

The player who last accepted a double is said to own the doubling cube. He places the cube on his side of the board. Only the owner of the cube may offer the next double in the same game.  Compare: Centered Cube.