“T” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “T” Letter

There are - 60 - terms.

Turner's Formula

A simple formula devised by Stephen Turner for estimating the match equity (1) at a given score. Expressed as a percent, the leader's match equity E = 50 + (24/T + 3) * D, where T is the number of points (4) the trailer still needs and D is the difference in scores.  Compare: Janowski's Formula and Neil's Numbers.

Turn the Corner

Move from the opponent's outer board to your own outer board.

Tutor Mode

A mode available in some backgammon-playing programs which allows the computer to evaluate your moves as you make them and alert you to any errors it thinks you made.


The second point (1) in a player's home board, adjacent to the one-point; also called the deuce-point.

Two-Sided Bearoff Database

A bearoff database with the correct equity for each possible combination of two opposing bearoff positions. Four separate equities are recorded for each position: three cubeful equities (one for each state of the doubling cube), and one cubeless equity. A two-sided database is more accurate than a one-sided database, but requires considerably more room.