Ward Count - Backgammon Dictionary

Ward Count

  1. A formula devised by Jeff Ward for making cube decisions in pure race games. It is a modification of the basic pip count designed to take into account elements of checker distribution. Each player's Ward count is his pip count, plus 2 for each checker more than 2 on the one-point, minus 1 for each extra home-board point compared to the opponent, plus 2 for each extra checker on the board compared to the opponent, plus 1/2 pip for each extra checker outside the home-board compared to the opponent. Then the player on roll increases his count by 10 percent. Ward advises: Double if your count does not exceed the opponent's by more than 2; redouble if your count does not exceed the opponent's by more than 1; accept the double if your count does not exceed doubler's by more than 2 in a short race (50 pips), 3 in a medium race (75 pips), or 4 in a long race (100 pips). See post by Marty Storer. For a comparison with other methods, see the article, "Cube Handling In Noncontact Positions".

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