“G” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “G” Letter

There are - 29 - terms.

Gain a Tempo

Hit the opponent and thereby deprive him of half a roll.

Game Plan

A strategy for winning the game. The three major game plans are run, block, and attack.


The use of ethically dubious means to obtain an advantage in a game. This includes intentionally distracting, confusing, or generally duping an opponent. See post by Albert Steg.

Game Winning Chances

The probability of winning the current game if it is played to conclusion without a doubling cube; also called cubeless probability of winning.


A completed game of backgammon in which the losing player has not borne off any checkers. A gammon is also called a double game because the winner receives twice the value of the doubling cube.   Compare: Single Game and Backgammon (2). In money play, with the Jacoby rule in effect, gammons do not count if the doubling cube has not been turned that game.

Gammon Count

The minimum number of pips a player needs to roll to bring all his checkers home and bear off his first checker, thereby avoiding losing a gammon.  Compare: Pip Count.


A situation in match play where losing a gammon has no cost, but winning a gammon is particularly valuable. Examples: (a) you trail 4-away/2-away and opponent owns the cube at 2; or (b) you trail 2-away/1-away in the Crawford game; or (c) you trail 3-away/1-away after the Crawford game and the cube is at 2. Gammon-go for you is gammon-save for your opponent. See posts by Mary Hickey and Marty Storer.


A position that has a higher than normal gammon rate.

Gammon Price

The relative value of winning a gammon compared with the value of winning a single game. Gammon price is computed as GP = (WG - W) / (W - L), where WG = value of winning a gammon, W = value of winning a single game, and L = value of losing a single game. In money play, the gammon price is 50%. In match play, the gammon price depends on the score of the match and the level of the doubling cube. See posts by David Montgomery and Ron Karr.

Gammon Rate

The chance of a game ending in a gammon or a backgammon (2) if played to completion (i.e., without a doubling cube). Gammon rate may refer to a particular game in progress or to backgammon games in general. An individual player's gammon rate is the fraction of his wins which are gammons or backgammons. See post by David Montgomery.


A situation in match play where winning a gammon has no value, but losing a gammon is particularly costly. Examples: (a) you lead 2-away/4-away and own the cube at 2; or (b) you lead 1-away/2-away in the Crawford game; or (c) you lead 1-away/3-away after the Crawford game and the cube is at 2. Gammon-save for you is gammon-go for your opponent. See posts by Mary Hickey and Marty Storer.

Gammon Vigorish (Vig)

The additional equity resulting from the possibility of winning a gammon.


The space or spaces between made points.

Gin Position

A position from which a player cannot lose.


A Middle Eastern game in which a single checker controls a point (1) and doubles are very powerful.  See: How to Play Gioul.

Girls (The Girls)

A roll of 5-5 (double 5's).

Giving for Game

A statement made by a player in a chouette that he is willing to pay the captain or any other team member the full stake at which the game currently stands for the right to take over their games. The player making this offer does so because he wishes to double the box when the other players to do not.