“G” Backgammon Terms

Terms that Start with “G” Letter

There are - 29 - terms.


A position that has a higher than normal gammon rate.


The space or spaces between made points.

Gin Position

A position from which a player cannot lose.


A Middle Eastern game in which a single checker controls a point (1) and doubles are very powerful.  See: How to Play Gioul.

Girls (The Girls)

A roll of 5-5 (double 5's).

Giving for Game

A statement made by a player in a chouette that he is willing to pay the captain or any other team member the full stake at which the game currently stands for the right to take over their games. The player making this offer does so because he wishes to double the box when the other players to do not.

GNU Backgammon

A neural-net computer program that plays backgammon (1) and analyzes positions and matches. GNU Backgammon is a cooperative effort of many volunteers. It is "free" software as defined by the GNU General Public License. See the post by Gary Wong and the tutorial by Albert SilverWebsite: GNU Backgammon.

Golden Point

The opponent's five-point, the best place to build an anchor.

Go Out

To achieve the points (4) necessary to win a match.

Greedy Bearoff

A mode in some computer programs and on some backgammon servers where the computer will automatically bear off the maximum number of checkers possible.

Gul Bara

A Middle Eastern game in which a single checker controls a point (1) and doubles are very powerful.  See: How to Play Gul Bara.